Mawdesley Cricket Club
Playing Field Purchase

for the benefit of the local community and the residents of Mawdesley Village and surrounding areas

This website has been set up by Mawdesley Cricket Club to help raise money through a Crowdfunding venture to purchase Rectory Field from the Diocese of Blackburn as a recreational sports playing field.

The field will be owned and held in trust by a Community Interest Company being set up by the Cricket Club, called the Mawdesley Playing Field Trust CIC, for the benefit of the local community and the residents of Mawdesley Village and surrounding areas.

The CIC will be managed by a group of trustees that will include members of the Cricket Club, the Parish Council and Parochial Church Council at St Peters. The CIC will be set up with an ‘Asset Lock’ which will prevent the land from ever been sold or developed so it will forever remain a protected green space in the heart of the village.

The Cricket Club is running a crowd funding campaign on behalf of the Mawdesley Playing Field Trust with a view to raising the money required to buy the land by March 2025. In total, £35,000 will be required to cover the costs of buying the land [£30k] and paying the necessary legal fees [£5k]. If by chance more that the £35K is raised, the balance will be used to improve the playing surface by, for example, upgrading the drainage of the field. 

The idea of a Crowdfunding campaign is to try get a lot of people to donate a little to help a worthy community venture to proceed. Donations of any amount would be most welcome, including from those who may wish to remain anonymous. A role of honour will be created listing those have supported the appeal and put up in the Cricket Pavilion so future generations will be able to see those who helped to buy the land. Gift Aided donations would of course be most welcome.

If you would like to make a donation, or would like further information, please click below.

Why donate to the playing field purchase?

Can you please contact me as I would like more information on the Mawdesley Playing Field Trust and the Crowdfunding campaign being run to raise the money to buy Rectory Field. 

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